Thursday, November 20, 2008

The class of 1998 had our 10 year class reunion a couple of months ago. It was so much fun! Wow! How fast ten years passes you by! We didn't have as many there in number as we had hoped for but we still had a ball! We met at New Hope's homecoming football game. From there we all hung out at Woody's on the Water. Saturday we met at Lake Lowndes for a picnic and everyone brought their children. Everyones kids were so cute, and let me just say our class has been "re-productive" in ten years! Haha! Saturday night we held our main event in the banquet room at the "Holiday Inn". It was lots of fun! Sally Galloway and I did the planning and thankfully it all went over extremely well. Thanks again Sally if you are reading this! We had so much fun spending time together as we put the weekend together. I will post more pics of the actual reunion when I get back to the office and get my CD of the weekend. Amy White, now Amy Thomas does photograpy on the side of her regular job and she gladly provided the photography for our weekend adventure. Thanks, Amy! You did a great job! Anyhow, these pics here are at my house before we left for the football game. Just me and two of my longest, nearest, and dearest friends-Bridget and Erika. The other of our spouses. And yes, we finally got Erika married even though we thought we never would. She married Scott Andrews and he is a really nice guy. When he has his cowboy on everyone says he looks like Tim McGraw and he really does! Is that what took you so long Erika? Were you holding out for "your" Tim McGraw? :)

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